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The Key To The Benefits of Solar Renewable Energy Lies in Different Types of Photovoltaic Cables
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The Key To The Benefits of Solar Renewable Energy Lies in Different Types of Photovoltaic Cables

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Solar power and wind power are by far the two most popular forms of renewable energy in the world. We will clarify the benefits and uses of solar energy and discuss the different types of solar wires commonly known as photovoltaic wires. Wind power uses the earth's natural wind to generate electricity, while solar power uses the sun's rays to be converted into energy.


Some of the greatest benefits of solar energy are that it is non-polluting and inexhaustible. Today's world economy is almost entirely dependent on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. However, they are non-renewable resources with an expiry date and contribute to most of the world's pollution. As far as renewable solar power goes, it will last indefinitely with zero impact on world pollution. In short, the sooner we switch to renewable energy, the cleaner the air we breathe and the water we drink will be, for us and our children.

The key to solar benefits lies in photovoltaics

The benefits of wire solar can be seen in our everyday life. From simple hanging clothes and drying them using the sun's rays to most calculators in use today. It's only a matter of time before everyone uses renewable energy to power their homes and lives. In fact, many have concluded that within 25 years, most people will be using alternative energy sources to get the electricity they need to heat their homes and run their cars. Since this technology is new, the equipment required to harvest and use this energy is quite expensive. However, I don't think you can put a price on clean air and fresh water.


While there are many components to building a solar panel for your home or business, one of the most critical components is the photovoltaic wire. You need a cable that can withstand the elements of the environment, especially the heat from the sun.

The origin of UL standard photovoltaic wire

Underwriters Laboratories, commonly known as UL, is a leader in providing standards for solar photovoltaic wires. UL states that when interconnecting photovoltaic modules, only the wire types specified in the National Electrical Code (NEC) can be used if the modules are to be sold in the United States. In section 690.31 (B) of the 2008 NEC PV line, solar resistance is required and rated for wet locations rated at 90°C or higher.


In the past, a lot of PV wire was used in photovoltaic applications; the advent of PV wire standards has replaced it as the interconnection of choice for solar modules. There are many reasons why PV wire is superior to its predecessor, ordinary wire.


First of all, the rated voltage level of the photovoltaic line is 600V, 1KV or 1.5KV. Second, photovoltaic wires can be used for both grounded and ungrounded photovoltaic arrays. In addition, PV wire has thicker insulation/jacket, which provides more wear and mechanical protection. PV wire can be found in 16AWG and 18AWG, while the smallest available size for common wire is 14AWG. Finally, and most importantly, PV wire must meet the most stringent requirements for resistance to sunlight (UV) and be flexible at very low temperatures. It had to undergo 720 hours of weather resistance and cold room conditioning at -40°C; more than double the requirements of conventional wire.


With the growing demand for renewable solar energy in our country, it is no surprise that Distributor Photovoltaic Wire & Cable now stocks all photovoltaic wires and cables related to the industry, including 600V, 1KV and 1.5KV Solar Photovoltaic Wire.

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